Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Wifey Wednesday: Your Circle of Impact

Welcome back friends and thank you for joining me for another day, another cup of coffee and another chance to fellowship! 

Today I want to talk about our "circle"! Our "circle" is our group of people whether it be family or friends that we allow to be a part of our every day. 

If you are a wife or a mother, your circle consists of your husband and your children, but did you know that your circle reaches far beyond the four walls of your home. You have a strong influence on not only your marriage and your home but also on the legacy you are leaving behind.

 I think about my grandmother, who thankfully is still with us. Growing up she always welcomed us into her home, provided us with comfort and love. She is a bible believing Christian woman who took us to church and shared Jesus with us. Even after my parent's divorce, she still came to visit us states away and communicated through letters, gifts, and phone calls. Her legacy will be one of a godly woman. 

I think about my aunt who also lives states away. If you have the privilege of knowing her, you are in great company. She has had an amazing impact on my life and for that I am grateful. Whenever she is faced with a problem or difficulties, she always handles it with so much ease and positivity.  One of the greatest things I have heard her say is, "I will have no regrets."  What a life led, being able to look back and know that you did everything you wanted to do and you have no regrets! 

You have been set in your position as a wife and mother to affect more than you know. If you allow your issues, daily struggles, and trials to steal your joy over and over again, what kind of impact will you make? If you don't allow yourself to accept the grace of our Heavenly Father when you fail, how will you extend grace to others?

I have a picture hanging in our school room that says "Your attitude determines your direction". This is a profound statement when you really stop and think about it! If your attitude is one that projects negativity and gloom every time a struggle comes your way, you will feel defeated most all of the time. If your attitude is one of joy and happiness, you will be able to face the day to day disappointments that life is undoubtedly packed with. 

Now, this is not to say that we as wives and mothers are not allowed a negative day or that we must walk around like Mary Sunshine all the time, that would not be reality. We are commanded however, in God's Word to overcome! 

In John 16:33, God's Word says, "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." You see, my friend, Jesus has already been where we are, He has already faced everything we are facing and He overcame all of it! 

In Him, we can find peace, comfort and joy. We can demonstrate the hope that our people need through the grace that Jesus has given us to overcome obstacles and difficulties in our life.  You have a choice how you respond to the things that are placed in your path, and your choice of how you will react is much more important that what you are actually facing! 

So, will you impact your circle with grace, joy and love or will they see a spiral of negativity, despair and doubt? 

I challenge you today to think about your circle of impact and the legacy you will leave behind....what will they remember about you?

Wifey Wednesday: Your Circle of Impact

Welcome back friends and thank you for joining me for another day, another cup of coffee and another chance to fellowship!  Today I want t...